I’m working, I promise

General Assembly is a whirlwind. There is so so much material being discussed and debated that I cannot keep up! At the moment I am pretty completely focussed on the work in my committee. You can see what we are up to through this link. Click on PC-Biz and go to committee 11.

We have covered Human trafficking/human rights, protection of the wetlands, care of creation, a recommendation to affirm the Charter for Compassion, a theological study paper on valuing human life. We’re in the middle of dealing with gun violence, and later today we will address the death penalty and a couple of other things. It’s a lot!

I’m on my brief lunch break now, and must run back to the committee meeting. I’ll keep trying to post, but short of that, I’m trying to provide links to some of the many sources that can help you stay informed, or to learn about the issues before us. This is the portal to masses of information!.