Perfectly Imperfect

The name of my blog used to be “Perfectly Imperfect,” by which I was trying to say that it’s okay to be imperfect. More than that, I was trying to remind myself that it’s okay that I am not perfect, but it didn’t work!

The name just made me feel like I had to be perfect at being imperfect–I found that I couldn’t use the word “perfect” at all. So for awhile I renamed my blog, “What a Mess–life is like that sometimes,” which worked better for me as a reminder. It’s not a put down, it’s just an acknowledgement that things are messy, and that’s okay.

On some level, it’s all semantics, because the issue is how we take in these words and whether or not we accept our radical vulnerability as human beings.

This twenty-minute talk by a research story-teller really says it so beautifully. Watch it if at all possible! It is well-worth your time.

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