Every once in awhile, someone finds me on facebook to tell me what it was like to read my book. I love that and I’m so grateful that something I’ve created helps people.
Despite having “hospitality” as the title, the book is really about how to become a more loving, whole person.
One reader wrote that she found herself thinking more about relationships of all kinds after reading the book:
Just finished your book/loaned to me several months ago/ sat on the table with the stack of “to read”. Was not at all what I expected!
As the creator of several church “hospitality-outreach” programs… I expected a “How to make your church more inviting” manual.
Now that I have finished, I’m thinking more about me and my relationships, both large and small. Thank you so much for writing this book. I’m sure I will return to it often.
Writing the book helped me a lot, too. I felt like I got a lot more language for ideas that had only been vague ideas before struggling to write the book.
I love to write, but it’s hard to set aside the time! Writing this book was like being in Finals at school for a year, pretty much non-stop. Nevertheless, I do intend to write more books!
One obvious next book would be a Study Guide for Christians to go with my Hospitality-The Sacred Art. Because the book itself is written for a very broad audience, (people of various faiths or no faith), I would like to help Christians, or followers of Jesus if you prefer that language, to ground their practice of hospitality in Biblical scripture and Christian tradition.