Yesterday was my last full day on writing retreat. As soon as I post this reflection, I will get into the car for the long car ride to Tennessee for a few days with my parents, 2 sisters, 1 brother, all their significant others, and a variety of nieces & nephews.
As much as I love my family I am not ready to leave this place. Of course, I was not ready to leave home to come to this place either! It seems I am never quite ready for the next thing.
Transitions are hard, especially when they involve letting go of something that we love.
This retreat has been so good for me. I love the beautiful rural setting here. I’ve begun writing a novel! I’ve gazed at beautiful flowers, rested, gone for a couple of great long walks, had a short vacation in Boston with Andrea (who flew out here to Massachusetts from Chicago), and had long talks over delicious meals with my host and beloved friend, Ani. I’ve also helped Ani launch a website, learning reams of things that I’ll use to improve this one.
It’s all been so healing and important. But maybe the most important thing has been learning (practicing?) to trust my heart as a writer as I step out into the world of fiction writing.
I’ve been using this book, The 90-Day Novel, by Alan Watt, and it’s stupendous. One of his points that I keep repeating to myself and trying to trust, is that there is a story in me that wants to tell itself through me. He doesn’t say it that way, but that’s the gist of it.
I have been wanting to write a young adult novel for years and years and years. So now I am feeling my way into that. It’s definitely tied to my vocation as a pastor and teacher and artist. I’m letting the characters of my story meet each other and I’m playing with them a little to see what’s brewing inside me…
And speaking of brewing, I have a new post up over at Nanette’s Kitchen about my on-going adventures in Kombucha Brewing.
And now…onward in the journey. Ready or not, go!
I wish you the very best in your pursuit of fictional writing. I have read many of your postings, watched a sermon that you posted on-line (not certain if there are more?), examined the Myers Briggs Personality Profile, looked into Process Theology (please excuse if a more appropriate term reflects the concepts contained therein), and both recognized and agreed with your interpretation of the individual who was not interested in presenting an alternative perspective but rather more interested in endeavoring to damage the healthy conveyance of thought. I always ‘practice’ the art of alternative thought. When in the presence of another who is presenting their thoughts I give my best effort (actually it takes little effort at all) to remember that healthy minds are blessed with an ability to consider alternative ways of perceiving – a building observed in the daylight does not present the same appearance as when observed at dusk.
I believe your writing a novel offers you, a learned scholar of spirituality and more when we consider your artsy side, the ability to present yourself and your personal insights into the spiritual realm. The Pastor, the Teacher, and the Artist – a trinity of characters – I envision as the attributes of a spiritual being coming through to provide us (the reader) with a wonderful way of considering ourselves.
Please don’t let my anticipation of your novel interfere with your own personal presentation. My mind will imbue its own colorings while reading. Also, I did try to find/buy your book on Hospitality at Barnes and Noble in Poughkeepsie, NY. They were not able to order, and I didn’t pursue further, which is not to say that I am not interested – quite the contrary.
Best wishes,
Chad Reome