Wherever you are, find something beautiful today. Look at it for a long time. Try to really see it.
It might be something out your kitchen window, or something on your desk. It might be the face of your loved one, or the fingers and toes of your child. Maybe it’s the design on your shirt, or the fresh vegetables you just bought for dinner. Spend 10 minutes walking around your home, inside and outside, noticing the beauty that is here, now.
Make a list of all the beautiful things you can see. Give thanks for them all!
And if you’re ready for advanced spiritual practice@home, make something beautiful. Serve dinner artfully with garnishes. Make a drawing or write a haiku poem about something or someone you love. (5-7-5 syllables.) Here is my haiku for today:
empty sky open
lifted heart flying with birds
another day full
Things can be beautiful to look at, beautiful to listen to, beautiful to think about. What do you think makes something beautiful?