Mother of God
A community-created icon made of torn Christmas advertisements. Symbolically, we deconstructed the commercialism of the public holiday and transformed it into a spiritual symbol–Mary, the Mother of God.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Throughout the four weeks of Advent Grace Commons collaged an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe as part of our prayer time during spiritual practice at our regular Sunday evening gathering.
Im/migration: Stations of the Cross
Over 2000 years ago, Jesus and his family were forced to flee across borders in order to escape the tyrannical regime of King Herod. All his life Jesus continued to migrate from city to city, crossing borders and breaking down boundaries.
Stations of the Cross (2007)
A contemporary interpretation of the stations of the cross, some stations made collaboratively, some by participating artists. Art informs our understanding of Jesus’ life, death, & resurrection.
Pentecost Spirit
Nine by nine foot banner sketched by Sarah Ashcraft-Johnson and painted by Charlotte Whitley, Lee Lohman, Pattie Relosky, Kathi Gregoline, and Nanette Sawyer.
Our Lady of Tenderness
Painted by Wicker Park Grace and iconographer Larry Kamphausen, 2008.