I would be much more convinced of Hitchens' arguments if his book was about "How Fear Poisons Everything, even Religion." Or maybe, "How Shame Poisons Everything."
Category: Heal
For people who have been hurt by Christianity in any form.
“Shall the Fundamentalists Win?” by Harry Emerson Fosdick
"There is nothing new about the situation. It has happened again and again in history, as, for example, when the stationary earth suddenly began to move and the universe that had been centered in this planet was centered in the sun around which the planets whirled. Whenever such a situation has arisen, there has been only one way out—the new knowledge and the old faith had to be blended in a new combination. " Harry Emerson Fosdick
Irreducible objections
While there have long been Christians arguing for literalism, there have also long been many highly visible Christians, leaders within the Church, who have been arguing against it.
Resources for Atheism discussions
"Can we honor our experiences of life's sacred character without holding jealously to creed and dogma? Can we understand how science too calls us to those experiences?" ~ Adam Frank, NPR blog
“Yes, Virginia, there is…”
Sermon delivered 12/27/09 at Wicker Park Grace Reflection (transcribed) The Escape to Egypt (Matthew 2:12-16) 12 The wise men, having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, left for their own country by another road. 13 Now after they had left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream …